
What You Need to Know about Coronavirus

Some symptoms of coronavirus are

Coronavirus is a new disease according to the CDC; these symptoms in covid-19 included:

  1. High Fever
  2. Breathe shortage
  3. Throat cough

According to WHO in a recent study provided detailed about COVID-19 symptoms included, such as fatigue, headache, chills, joint, and bone pain. After you exposed it may appear at least minimum 2days or maximum14 days 

Advice to avoid coronavirus are 

Face masks effective or not :

If someone has the covid-19 disease, then using a mask is essential, it reduces the risk of giving someone else.

If you are using the regular mask and continue adjusting it, and touch your face continuously, which can eventually be increasing the risk. Mask will be safe you from sick people cough or sneezing If you are using regular mask wash it daily or you can through it until they are not reusable, Otherwise used good surgical masks more safe and sophisticated N95 are best to health workers.

If someone sick around you, that mask will save you from their cough, sneeze, and block droplets from a cold.

All the favor things said wash hand properly and avoid touching your face and mouth.

Covid-19 diagnosed

If you think you may have any virus or diseases, call your doctor first, don’t go directly to the doctor’s clinic. Because if you have an infection, then it may be spread of their office too. They suggest you for telemedicine, and if you have virus symptoms, then they contact with state or local health department for you. After diagnosis confirmed than Each test result is verified by the CDC.

How does COVID-19 spread

No one has answers that how does it cover because COVID-19 is new. but experts believe:

· When an infected person sneeze, handshake with them who are not infected, it will automatically spread to others. the virus-infected between person to person.

· People may realize about these symptoms very late it may spread the virus to other

· CDC not believed in the surface object is the primary way to spreading the virus but may be covered with the infected surface when a person may use contaminated surface, and then they touched their eye mouth and nose they automatically go infected

· Research said this virus is not airborne; then, your breathing air is safe for you.

·         World has infected by this virus, CDC believes that not all the virus but COVID-19 spread quickly in the community

How long time this covid-19 life on the surface or outside of the body?

The Research said the official name of coronavirus id covid-19 might live on the surface for a few hours/days and few hours outside of the body.

The study found that it may be live on copper for 5hours and on cardboard for24hours. And can live for 2 to 3 days on plastic or steel.

The Research said people might get infected by getting in touch with an infected surface or object under real circumstances. Wash every packed item before using it may be the best idea to avoid the virus.

Covid-19 is worse than the Flu

According to Research at least 30million Americans infected by the Flu this season, regular Flu will dispose quickly, but covid19 is still running and 200000 confirmed with covid-19 patients worldwide.

Numbers are still increasing worldwide.

Covid -19 disease is more dangerous than Flu. The Flu’s estimated death rate is .1%, and the covid-19 death mortality rate is 3-4%. It is challenging to know the exact ratio of death rates because of deadly people cases not were diagnosed in recent times. The new England journal of medicine editorial said the actual ration of death might be closer to Flu in several seasons.

 Anthony Fauci, Managing Director of National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said that Flu treatment is known for all the doctors and scientists. Every year Flu has different faces, but still, the treatment plans already exist with some modifications. This covid-19 is new, then Research and learning on this continue; maybe it has multiple strains.

General Director of World Health Organization Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that people need to understand, Flu and covid-19 are both are different. Covid -19 is more dangerous and spread as compare to the Flu. The second big difference is that people get very seriously sick from COVID-19.

Many people have immunity built up to fight with the seasonal Flu. COVID-19 is a new and potent virus that requires a very high immunity system. Some people dare to compete with that and sustain to infection.

Not Yet any Vaccine for COVID-19

Not yet any vaccine for COVID-19, and at least a year away for a vaccine, but several companies working on it. Soon one vaccine trial will start human trials. National Institutes of Health-funded a trial and enrolled 40healthy people for tests and then verify the effect of different people.

Coronavirus treatment 

No drug treatment yet discovered. In the case of normal fever, doctors give pain killers for pain and illness to a patient. And drink as much water as you can. People who are more severe and effected by this virus get admitted to the hospital. In the hospital, doctors give ventilators to them. WHO agency going through their Research.

Avoid Travel

Do not go outside of at least if there is no emergency because the virus is due to more by touched people and any object surface. Visit the CDC website for countries flagged.

COVID-19 outbreak Origin

Covid-29 first reported the outbreak in Wuhan China on Dec. 30, 2019.