
New Exam Date Of CBSE Class12 Declare……

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which reports to the Union’s Ministry of Personnel Development, released Monday the revised date sheet for the remaining exams of the 10th and 12th board of the class.

Board exams will be conducted on the remaining 29 papers from July 1-15, CBSE said.

Grade 10 students from northeastern Delhi – where unrest had interrupted exams – will appear for papers Hindi Course A, Hindi Course B, English Communication, English Language and Literature, Science and Social Sciences.

The remaining papers for 12th grade students from across India include economics, geography, Hindi (elective), Hindi (core), home science, sociology, computer science (old), computer science (new), information practice (old), information practice (new ), Information technology and biotechnology.

The papers for 12th grade students from Northeast Delhi, on the other hand, include English core, mathematics, economics, biology, political science, history, English elective-N, English elective-C, physics, accounting and chemistry.